'/> Recipe of Homemade Homemade Knife Cut beef Noodles from scratch - Meal Piece

Recipe of Homemade Homemade Knife Cut beef Noodles from scratch

Homemade beef noodle soup is empty

Hi everyone, I'm Dave and welcome to our cooking guide page. Today I will tell you how to prepare a special meal. This is one of my favorite recipes. This is a little sweet for me. It will be delicious.

Let's face it, cooking isn't an important part of life for every man, woman, or child. In fact, for many people, cooking has become an integral part of their lives. This means that people often rely on solid foods and packaged ingredients instead of preparing healthy meals for our families and personal satisfaction.

Instead of going out of our way to make a quick and easy meal, we often use a jar of soup or a box of pasta and cheese or other similar items for dinner. You will see many ideas in this report, and hopefully this idea will lead you not only to a good start to finish the R-UT dinner that we ordered at one time or another, but also to new things.

Weight and nutrition, which are known to be the cause of many health and health problems, the importance of teaching our children not only nutrition but also healthy eating should not be underestimated. One way to keep your loved ones healthy is to make sure you always prepare healthy, wholesome meals. But that doesn't mean you don't like to eat calories from time to time, and you shouldn't. The key to healthy cooking is always learning how to handle the pieces and understanding the importance of size.

Many things affect the taste of homemade noodles, such as the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to cut the way the food is prepared and served. If you want to make some delicious homemade noodles from scratch, don't worry, because if you know the recipe, this dish can serve as a special dish.

To get started with this unique recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients. Using 12 ingredients and 7 layers, you can prepare beef noodles with an empty knife. How to cook it.

My first attempt at making my own noodles from scratch. Homemade fresh noodles are great before bed!

Ingredients for homemade beef stew:

  1. 1 cup of flour
  2. 1 cup of water with saline solution
  3. 1 tablespoon of salt
  4. beef
  5. onion
  6. sliced ​​cabbage
  7. roasted garlic
  8. onion
  9. boiled meat
  10. 1 tablespoon black pepper powder
  11. dried red chili berries
  12. 3 tablespoons of fish soup

Steps to make beef noodles at home from scratch

  1. Set it up. Pour the brine solution into the flour and mix well. It may stick around for a while, but it should be good.
  2. Boil for 30 minutes and let stand for about an hour. Repeat the process twice until the flour is soft.
  3. Sprinkle the flour with the pancakes until the dough is very thin, add a little flour and incorporate into the dough.
  4. Cut the dough with a knife for the noodle pieces.
  5. Put in boiling water for 3 minutes to cook the noodles. Then place it in a bowl of cold water or ice water.
  6. Cook the meat with the meat in a separate container. Add salt, fish broth, pepper, garlic and onion and cook for 20 minutes
  7. Add the noodles to cabbage juice, bell pepper, onion, boiled cabbage and serve fresh!

The small steps you take toward your goal of preparing healthy meals for your family are more important than any big steps. Before you know it, before you change your eating habits, you may realize that everyone has more energy and a better mood. But if that's not enough to motivate you, you might see a reason to buy new clothes after losing a size or two.

Well, this is a summary of a special recipe for Super Quick Beef Noodles at home. Thanks for your time. I'm sure you can do it at home. There will be more entertaining homemade recipes. Don't forget to put this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thanks again for reading. Let's cook!

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